Choosing Insurance Doesn't Have To Be Stressful

3 Tips For Saving On Your Car Insurance Premiums

Car insurance is inevitable. It is something you have to have if you are going to be out on the open road driving. While it isn't something you can get around, that doesn't mean you can't figure out ways to save on your premiums and keep more of your money in your pocket. If you want to find out how you can save money on your insurance, check out the tips below.

Ask about a discount for belonging to a credit union.

Many insurance carriers are willing to give their customers a discount as long as they belong to a credit union. You often have to provide them with proof of your membership to the credit union to be eligible for the discount. There are papers that you have to sign as well stating that you belong to the credit union in question and your account number is correct. Since they can verify this information and its accuracy, this isn't something you want to try and claim unless you really do belong to a credit union. If you don't already, you can open a savings account at most institutions for just $5.

Ask about discounts for not driving a lot of miles each year.

While many people put thousands of miles on their vehicle each year, that doesn't mean everyone does. If you happen to be one of those individuals who doesn't drive very much, you might want to look into one of the discounts for those who drive less than so many miles per year. Some companies will give the discount to anyone who drives less than 10k miles annually, while others are less. You will need to give the company proof of your mileage and adhere to their guidelines to continue receiving the discount.

Pay your policy quarterly or semi-annually.

Another great way to save money on your policy is to pay for a large portion at once. Paying for three to six months at a time can end up saving you a significant amount of money on your insurance policy. This isn't something that everyone is going to be able to do, but it is a great way to be able to reduce the amount you are going to have to pay on your policy.

While these are only a couple of ways to save on your policy, there are countless others out there as well. Spend time going over the options with your insurance agent, such as Insure With U.S.
