Crucial Questions You Should Ask About Your Car Insurance When Your Teenager Has A Hardship Driver's License

If there has been a significant or abrupt problem recently at home and you have found that your mature and responsible young teenager must take on some extra burdens for the family, it is important to know that he or she may be able to get a driver's license under some circumstances. However, allowing your young teenager to assume that responsibility is an enormous decision and can impact your family in a myriad of ways. [Read More]

Taking Measures To Avoid Vehicle Accidents Can Help Keep Your Auto-Insurance Premiums in Check

An auto accident not only damages your vehicle but also can result in bodily injuries to you, any passengers in your vehicle, and other drivers. Besides the more obvious financial consequences, if the accident is your fault, you may also see your auto-insurance rates soar. But while not all motor-vehicle accidents can be avoided, there are actions you can take to lower the risk that you will be involved in an auto collision. [Read More]

Want To Keep Your Home Fully Protected? Some Insurance Coverages You Should Increase

If you own your own home, you likely have home insurance to cover things like floods, fire, theft, and weather damage. However, there might be other things in your home that are insured, but the coverage may not be enough for what they are worth.  Five of these things are listed below so you can determine if you need to add more coverage. Rare Coins If you are a rare coin collector, you may have a very expensive collection in your home. [Read More]

Are There Any Benefits To Naming Excluded Drivers On Your Auto Insurance?

Did you know that you can exclude a driver from your policy? Car insurance brokers will ask if anyone in your home has a license and has access to your car. You need to declare them, but it may be worth asking for them to be named as excluded drivers. Here are the benefits of excluding drivers from your policy. You Save on Premiums Due to Poor Driving Record If a driver in your home has a poor driving record, you may find your own auto insurance premiums rise because of them. [Read More]